Thursday, June 24, 2010

jasmine at 23 months

at this point in time, jasmine is 23 months and is a little chatterbox! she gets into alot of mischief too.
she knows when things are naughty, she will do something (draw on something she shouldnt, make a mess she knows she shouldnt, etc.), and then come find me to tell me..... "naughty naughty" and then she takes me too it.

shes currently into her kitchen and cooking, helping with anything. trucks, trains and cars.
wiggles and hi-5 are still favourites, as are the movie cars, brother bear and fluke!

she still sleeps once through the day. usually for 1.5 hours to 2 hours. occassionally with a 3 hour thrown in every now and then!

a word for when she has no idea

when jasmine doesnt know what something is, she has a made up word (i presume its made up, cos i have no idea what it could be!) that she uses.

so if you ask her what is this jazz? she will use the word.

and the word, i hear you ask??


shes been using this word for ages. since at least the start of 2010 i think.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Uncle corey and his 21st BBQ

on the 5th of june 2010, we went to coreys place to celebrate his 21st with a bbq lunch.
just a couple of pics from that day of you and your uncle "corwee"!

daddys new girlfriend

daddy has a new girlfriend. her name is jessica (you call her jess or "dess" is how you say it)
mummy got the chance to meet her for the first time at uncle coreys 21st party, and took the oppurtunity to take a photo of you, your daddy and jess for you to have at mummys house!

Quirky little thing...

jasmine has many quirks and catch phrases, and faces a plenty.

her are just a few i have caught for now!

mini picasso in the making!

this is the face she pulls when something is hilariously funny. in this case, it was "the bunyip" at the playground in murray bridge. although she hates being anywhere close to it, unless shes up with someone. but from far away its pretty funny apparently

so serious. comtemplating the angle of the slide!

aeroplane! she loves them. and flys around like one when she hears them in the sky.

when she wants you to follow her she pats her shin and says "Pum On" like she is calling one of the dogs!
you cant help but laugh at her!

shes so happy when she playing at the playground!

Best Friends!

jasmine has 2 best friends in her life at the moment, one is black and the other is tan!


these 2 are alwasy around to help her, share her food, and play with her! a bond between the 3 of them that will never be broken.

roxi has been with jasmine since jazz was born. roxi is now 6 years old!
knuckles has only been around for about 8-12 months i think. i think they first met in september 09 from memory! they had a bit of a rough start, knuck would growl at jasmine, and he snapped at her once, but now, they are inseperable. she loves him to bits and he loves her too!

the three musketeers they are! getting into all kinds of mischief!
which generally involves jasmine asking for food to then feed to them.
she sits in their kennel and feeds them food!

Jasmine loves to help

jasmine loves to help with pretty much anything! washing, dishes, and making food etc.

so when it comes to making lunch, she is the expert!

cheese toasties are her favourite! :-)

watching the toast "cook"
"Look mum, I Help!"

Jasmine helping put the cheese on the sandwhiches!