Thursday, June 17, 2010

letter to jasmine - 28th december 2008

Sunday 28th December, 2008

As i type this, you are in your cot, supposed to be going to sleep, i can hear you talking to yourself though, so i know you are ok.

Well, as you may have guessed by the date we have just celebrated your first Christmas. It was a great day, and the weather was nice and warm. (around 32 degrees)

You have been very lucky and rather spoilt this Christmas. We had an early Christmas day for you while your G-ma was down, because she couldn’t be here for Christmas day, so we opened alot of your presents on Saturday night, the 13th of December, once G-ma got here.

While G-ma was here, we took you to see the lights of Lobethal, although you weren’t very happy (i have a feeling your teeth are giving you trouble), so you slept most of the time in the sling.

On Christmas morning, you slept till almost 10am! (im sure that wont last long, once you work out what Christmas is all about) when you got up, you had a bottle, and then you and i went and had a shower. When we got out, you have breakfast and then you went down for a nap.

I got daddy out of bed while you were sleeping and i got everything organised that we would need for the day. When you woke up, we got you dressed and jumped in the car and headed down to Gran-nan and Poppas house for lunch.

We left Gran-nan and Poppas around 7pm, and headed back up to Auntie Nikki and Uncle Bj’s house for tea. We ended up getting home around midnight or so.

It has been a very busy week this week with alot of late nights, so now you are all out of whack, and sleeping longer in the mornings, going to bed later, so we have been staying home for a few days, to try and get you back into your routine.

You have been giving mummy and daddy a heart attack a few times int he past 2 weeks. Your monitor alarm has gone off 4 times now. The one that tells us when you have stopped breathing. The first time was 2:30 in the morning. The second at 5:30 in the afternoon, and then 2 times yesterday suring the day. The first 2 times in happened, when we got into your room, you were stirring and rubbing your eyes, but the 2 times yesterday, you were crying before we got into your room. We aren’t sure yet if you are actually stopping breathing or if there is something wrong with the way the monitor is set up. I have moved the sensor pad now, to the middle of the cot, because you have started moving around.

You are now rolling around on the floor and can roll from your back to your tummy and occasionally you can roll yourself back, but you are getting better and better at that every day! It wont be long and you will be into everything im sure. You can also move yourself backwards on your back, which is quite funny to watch.

We have started you on solids again now, and i am thinking i might try to get you to start drinking from a cup. Im not sure if it will be water or maybe your afternoon milk drink. Will see how we go, but i might try something today.

You can now hold your bottle yourself too, so it means you are feeding yourself. It makes things a little easier on mummy if i need to go somewhere quickly or something, but i am always around to help you if you drop the bottle or if you need help. I don’t ever go too far.

Anyway, my beautiful girl, i better go for now, but will write again soon.

Love you forever and always....

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