Friday, June 18, 2010

Vocabulary at 19 months old

before her vocabulary starts booming and we lose count of the words, i thought id write a list of the words she says at 19 months!
these days, there is too many to count, and she parrots everything. but here is the list we made on the 25th of Feburary, 2010!

  1. Mum/Mum mee
  2. Dad/ Dad dee
  3. Up
  4. Off
  5. Nana
  6. 'ot (hot)
  7. dog
  8. 'oxi (roxi)
  9. Nuck (knuckles)
  10. Hi
  11. Bub bye
  12. Whas in dere? (whats in there)
  13. More
  14. No
  15. Yeah
  16. Cat
  17. Smial (smile, usually said when holding something like a camera or mu phone)
  18. sgish (squish)
  19. Whats that
  20. Look
  21. Jump
  22. shwing (swing)
  23. Narna (banana)
  24. Bwyce (bryce)
  25. Lily
  26. Watch
  27. Shouw a (shower)
  28. five (hi-5)
  29. Fly
  30. Bird
  31. Ta
  32. Uh-Oh
  33. Oh-No
  34. Stay
  35. Pool
  36. Bubble
  37. Rock
  38. Knock Knock
  39. Car
  40. Pooh Pooh

all her J's sound like D's though.

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